Bible Studies and messages
that look at the real meaning of the original text:
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The Greek New Testament Audio Recordings

Dr Trevor R Allin has made audio recordings of the Biblical Greek text of the New Testament.
These recordings have been uploaded to YouTube and are publicly available.

For more information and links (on this website), click here.

Articles on the Biblical Text

Is Jesus the I AM?
What does John 8:58 really say?
Click here
to find out
What was the real shape of the cross
on which Jesus died?
Click here
to find out
I AM in the Bible
What did it mean to the Jews?

Click here
to find out

What is the role of women in the church?
What does the Bible say about women in Christian ministry?
Click here
to find out

Who were the Lord's brothers and sisters? Click here
to find out
The Experts quoted by the Jehovah's Witnesses
Who are they?  What do they say?

Click here
to find out

Truth in Translation by Jason BeDuhn
A review of this book on The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures,
the Jehovah's Witness version of the Bible

Click here
to see review

The Holy Spirit
God or a thing?
Click here
to find out

Think for yourself
An appeal to those intimidated by others who tell them what to think, believe and do.
Click here
to see article

Drunk in the Spirit?
A doctrine promotes being
drunk in the Spirit or drunk with the Spirit.
Does it have Biblical support?

Click here
to find out

A review of Bible Hunters, Pt I Click here
to see review

A review of Bible Hunters, Pt II Click here
to see review

Does Hebrews 1:8 say that Christ is God?
Does it say
O God or God is your throne?
Click here
to see article

Is Christ “The Beginning of God’s Creation” or “The Supreme Ruler of God’s Creation”?
What is the real meaning of Revelation 3:14?

Click here
to find out
The cleansing of the Temple
Did Jesus use violence against animals and people?
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to see article
What is the real meaning of Matthew 6:9?
Should we call God “Jehovah”?
  What does “Hallowed be thy name” mean?

Click here
to find out
What does the text of 1 Timothy 3:16 really say?
Does it call Jesus “God”, or not?  Second edition in August 2021
Click here
to find out
Jesus in Philippians 2:5-11
What he was.  What he became.  What he is now.
Click here
to see article
“God’s Sacred Name in the Bible”
Was the word for “God” written in Hebrew letters in the ancient Greek Biblical manuscripts?

Click here to see article
Jesus, the “I am” and “the One Who Is”
A Simple Test of the Jehovah’s Witness version of the Bible,
the “New World Translation”

Can we trust this version?  Some key examples
Click here
 to see article

“Do this in remembrance of Me”
The commemoration of Christ’s Last Supper
: the Biblical perspective

Click here to see article
“Are the Gospels Historically Reliable?”
Reflections on a discussion between Peter J Williams and Bart Ehrman
Click here
to see article

Who is the example of faith in Hebrews 11:11 – Abraham or Sarah?
Click here to see article
What does Romans 9:5 really say?
Does it call Jesus
Click here
to see article

“What is the Correct Translation of John 1:1?”
Does it say that Christ is “God” or “a god”?
Click here to see article
Was Jesus Worshipped in the New Testament and the Early church?
Click here
to see article

What does 2 Peter 1:1 say about Christ?
Does it say that Christ is God, or not?

Click here to see article
What is the Correct Translation of Acts 20:28?
Does it call Jesus “God”?
Click here
to see article

“The Great Deception”
False “experts” on the internet, with special reference to John 20:28

Click here to see article
“An internet Plot”
The real origins of an article by “Gregory Blunt” on John 20:28
Click here
to see article

Review of “The Forging of Codex Sinaiticus” by Dr Bill Cooper
including claims about the Greek text of the New Testament known as the “Textus Receptus

Click here to see article
A review of Jack A. Moorman’s “Was Codex Sinaiticus Written In 1840!”
Click here
to see article

What is the Correct Translation of Titus 2:13?
Does it call Christ “God”?

Click here to see article
“Lord”, “Jesus”, “Christ” and “the Cross” in Old Testament Manuscripts
How Christians saw Christ and the Cross in the Old Testament

Click here
to see article

The Kübler-Ross Change Resistance Model
& the Jehovah’s Witnesses

Click here to see article
God: the One Who Exists
References in early Manuscripts of the Bible

Click here
to see article

Slavery in the Bible
Some Fundamental Principles

Click here to see article

Greek language characters
Many of the articles listed here quote from the original Greek text of the New Testament.  No knowledge of Greek is required to understand the articles.   Nevertheless, I hope that the Greek characters display correctly on your computer.  For this reason, the articles have been saved in .pdf format.

If the words in Greek are not displayed in the correct Greek characters, it may help to download to your computer the TekniaGreek font.  This totally-free font was used for a lot of the Greek in these articles.  It can be downloaded from this website here.  (You are advised not to download versions from elsewhere, as some of them are different from the version used to create these documents, and may therefore not reproduce all characters correctly.)

Just download it and copy it to C:\WINDOWS\Fonts

On some other occasions, the font GREEK.TTF is used.  This appears to be a standard font that is included in Windows.

I am constantly seeking to improve this website, writing new studies and improving those that are already here.
You could therefore find it interesting to re-visit articles that you may have seen in the past, since there may be improvements such as new information, additional sections or improvements in the formatting.
To see immediately the most recent upgrades, click here.

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© August 2024